N2 Classes

N2 - 4 years old

Duration: 1.5 hours

  • Introduction to basic phonics, blending and segmenting skills in preparation for reading fluency. 
  • Interactive phonemic activities to promote letter sound-correspondence and auditory discrimination.

1. Basic Phonics Mastery:

  • Introduction to high-frequency sight words essential for early reading through interactive games and activities. 
  • Integration of sight words into reading short passages for fluency development.  

2. Sight Words Proficiency:

  • Exposure to new vocabulary through engaging stories and texts. 
  • A thematic approach to building vocabulary based on the pre-A1 English framework.

3. Vocabulary Expansion:

4. Oral Communication Enhancement:

  • Role-playing and picture-talk activities.
  • Show and tell sessions to develop fluency and build confident speakers.
  • Enhance fine-motor skills and penmanship in preparation for writing. 
  • Develop ability to synthesize information, create awareness in sentence structure, punctuation patterns.

5. Writing and fine motor skills: